India: Mule Hole forest watershed
Study of weathering processes and chemical budget in crystalline aquifer and tropical conditions
Study of weathering processes and chemical budget in crystalline aquifer and tropical conditions
Jean Riotte, Laurent Ruiz, Stephane Audry, Benjamin Baud, Jean-Pierre Bedimo Bedimo, Laurie Boithias, Jean-Jacques Braun, Bernard Dupre, Jean-Louis Duprey, Mikael Faucheux, Christelle Lagane, Jean-Christophe Marechal, Hemanth Moger, Mandalagiri Subbarayappa Mohan Kumar, Harshad Parate, Olivier Ribolzi, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Buvaneshwari Sriramulu, Murari Varma, Muddu Sekhar
Laurent Ruiz, Murari R.R. Varma, M. S.Mohan Kumar, M. Sekhar, Jean Christophe Maréchal, Marc Descloitres, Jean Riotte, Sat Kumar, C. Kumar, Jean Jacques Braun
Journal of Hydrology, vol. 380, 2010 Jan, pp. 460--472
Indirect and direct recharges in a tropical forested watershed: Mule Hole, India
Jean-Christophe Marechal, Murari R R Varma, Jean Riotte, Jean-Michel Vouillamoz, M S Mohan Kumar, Laurent Ruiz, M Sekhar, Jean-Jacques Braun
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, vol. 364, 2009 Jan, pp. 272--284