Marechal Jean-Christophe

Hydrogeologist - Karst & fractured aquifers

India: Maheshwaram irrigated basin

Study of crystalline rock aquifer under semi-arid conditions and water scarcity

(a) Maheshwaram watershed with location of pumping borewells for irrigation (July 2002), (b) EHP (0.55 km²) site near Choutuppal village, with two clusters of monitored borewells

An Observatory of Groundwater in Crystalline Rock Aquifers Exposed to a Changing Environment: Hyderabad, India

Jean-Christophe Marechal, Adrien Selles, Benoit Dewandel, Alexandre Boisson, Jerome Perrin, Shakeel Ahmed

VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, vol. 17, 2018 Nov